A retrospective review of antiphospholipid syndrome from a South Asian country
Muhammad Zain Mushtaq, Syed Ahsan Ali
, Zaibunnisa Sattar
, Saad Bin Zafar Mahmood
, Tazein Amber
, Mehmood Riaz
Department of Medicine, Faculty Office Building the Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: Antiphospholipid antibodies, antiphospholipid syndrome, Pakistan, pregnancy outcome.
Objectives: This study aims to investigate clinical presentations, antiphospholipid antibody patterns and their levels, therapeutic regimens, and outcomes in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) admitted to a tertiary care hospital of a South Asian country.
Patients and methods: Between January 2009 and December 2019, a total of 216 patients with APS (8 males, 208 females; median age: 35.7±6.9 years; range, 20 to 76 years) who either fulfilled the modified Sydney criteria or those who satisfied only clinical criteria along with positive antiphospholipid antibody on at least one occasion (probable APS) were retrospectively analyzed.
Results: The majority of the patients (n=183, 84.7%) had obstetric complications, followed by venous thrombosis in 23 (10.8%) patients. Recurrent early abortions in 126 (58.6%) and deep venous thrombosis in 16 (7.4%) patients were the most prevalent obstetrical and venous events, respectively, whereas limb gangrene in seven (3.3%) and ischemic stroke in seven (3.3%) were the most common arterial events. A total of 190 (88%) patients had primary APS, while 26 (12%) had secondary APS. Systemic lupus erythematosus was the frequent association with secondary APS found in 19 (73%) patients. Immunoglobulin M (IgM) anticardiolipin antibody was present in 173 (65.0%) patients, being the most commonly reported antibody. Probable catastrophic APS was found in four (1.9%) patients. Majority of the patients (n=190, 87.9%) were treated with a combination of acetylsalicylic acid and low-molecular-weight heparin. Single mortality was observed in our study population due to complications related to catastrophic APS.
Conclusion: Antiphospholipid syndrome has a wide range of thrombotic and obstetrical manifestations with important variations in different regions of the world. There is a significant morbidity and mortality related to APS, despite treatment with anticoagulation and; therefore, describing prognostic markers and optimal therapeutic interventions is pivotal to prevent complications.
Citation: Mushtaq MZ, Ali SA, Sattar Z, Zafar Mahmood SB, Amber T, Riaz M. A retrospective review of antiphospholipid syndrome from a South Asian country. Arch Rheumatol 2022;37(1):31-39.
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